Unit 6

3) According to the quiz, my family is leaning towards laissez faire
 it worked for my family because:
- we were allowed to make our own decisions
-we became independent and successful as adults
- we learned to become self-motivated

The downside was:
- it became hard to talk openly with them
- we all were more absorbed in our own lives

5) The dysfunctional belief I still sometimes hold is "my partner is incapable of change." I think the media, (movies, music, television) make you believe that when you find the right person everything will be perfect and you will get along perfectly. However, loving someone is accepting them with imperfections and still seeing them in an almost perfect way. So if there are roadblocks or characteristics you aren't crazy about, you can't just leave them. You should communicate those thoughts so they are aware and able to work on those behaviors.