Unit 1 Questions

  • If a friend or family member were describing you, what would he/she say? What would he/she say are your communication strengths/weaknesses?
I think they would say I am quiet at first but after I am comfortable with someone I am easy to get along with. I am choosey with the people I spend my time with, and would rather have a few close friends then a hundred friends I do not know very well. As a communicator I have heard multiple times that I am more like a guy. I am not very sensitive, which is a strength, because I can laugh off a joke and not take things so seriously, and my feelings are not hurt easily. It becomes a weakness sometimes in my relationships because I do not express my feelings verbally very well, positive or negative.
  • If you get free time (I know I don't get much of it:), what would you do?
I love to play soccer and coach little kids in the spring and summer. A picture of me playing is on the home page. I also work at a video store so I get to watch A TON of movies. I have probably seen every major movie that has come out in the past year worth seeing. I also just turned 21 in October, so I've been taking advantage of the new places I can go, aka BARS.
  • What is the current most important use of interpersonal communication that you have?
Probably my relationship with my girlfriend. We moved in together about 8 months ago, so that is a new experience living with a significant other.
  • Are there any interpersonal situations that you wish you could handle better than you now do?
I guess improve upon my weakness and learn to formulate my feelings into words more easily and coherently.